hi! I’m travis…

I’m a composer, producer, and educator with a love for problem-solving. Whether it’s weaving musical ideas together or playing puzzle games in my free time, nothing is more satisfying to me than finding a solution and completing it at 100%.

Full Bio below

Full Bio

Travis’s original music has received awards, performances, and recognition on the national and international levels.

As a composer, he is most passionate about crafting interactive game scores and has written suites of music for video games that can be found on popular game asset stores.

In the realm of concert music, his piece Impetus was selected as a winner of the International Trumpet Guild New Works contest and showcased on the New Works Recital at the ITG 2021 Conference. He has had two pieces selected for showcase at the Society of Composers Inc. National Conference and two orchestral composition contest wins with subsequent performances.

Sharing the magic of music expression with future generations is important to Travis as he has mentored many young creatives in the disciplines of music production, theory, composition, instrumental studies, and more. He has also written music curriculum in theory and production that is implemented across over 80 Middle and High Schools across the U.S.

Travis received his Bachelor’s degree (B.M.) in Music Composition from Stephen F. Austin State University under the primary instruction of Dr. Stephen Lias. In addition to his studies of classical composition and film scoring, he specialized in video game scoring under the guidance of Mason Lieberman (M.M.& Senior Composer at Tencent)